Environmental Responsibility

The environmental actions taken into account for the design of the park are as follows:

1. Trees Árboles - Medio Ambiente

More than 2,500 trees have been planted, all species endemic to the Santa Fe area. This ensures the environmental task of the trees and minimizes their maintenance. Each garden has a variety of tree species according to the activity for which it was designed.

2. Green areas Áreas verdes - Medio Ambiente

We have 70 thousand square meters of grass for all kinds of activities including picnics, 80 thousand shrubs – most of them pollinators – and 40 thousand square meters of ground cover on the slopes. More than 1 million plants were planted and more than 600 shrubs, which are young trees, grew during the pandemic season.

3. Migratory birds Aves migratorias - Medio Ambiente

The lakes serve as a home for migratory birds. These days more than 30 ducks have been seen during the nights.

4. Rubble Cascajo - Medio Ambiente

All the rubble that was deposited on the site after the 1985 earthquake and the soil left behind during the Santa Fe development was kept on the site; it was not taken to a landfill. To create the gardens, they were covered with new, nutrient-rich soil.

5. Water Agua - Medio Ambiente

The park’s water project is designed so that most of the park’s water usage comes from rainwater and treated water during the dry season. This water is used for irrigation, cleaning, and toilets. Only potable water is used in the drinking fountains, sinks, and fountains. Rainwater is concentrated through a bio-trench located throughout the park and stored in a 24,000 cubic meter cistern under the lake. Treated water is piped from the city’s treated water plant.

6. Lakes Lagos - Medio Ambiente

The park’s lakes fulfill several environmental tasks. They “trap” dust particles that are suspended in the air, many of them pollutants. They also help to reduce the urban temperature and increase the humidity in the city.

7. Lighting Luminarias - Medio Ambiente

The street lights generate electricity through solar cells.